AM-FLOW is member of the Flam3D network

With this membership we are committing ourselves to support members of Flam3D, stakeholders and other people with interest in the Additive Manufacturing industry to share our knowledge and expertise of end-to-end digital manufacturing.

As an independent non-profit platform, Flam3D is available for all stakeholders who are active in the Additive Manufacturing (3D printing) industry. They unite, represent and support companies, research institutions, governments and interested parties in order to improve Additive Manufacturing as a reliable and competitive production technology.

Flam3D is committed to strengthen value chains and represent employees, companies and organizations active within the Additive Manufacturing industry and interested in applications that support the design, 3D printing process and post processing.

We also believe, as a member of this network, it will benefit us connecting to new strategic partners, research institutes, governments and other interested parties. It also will bring us knowledge in order to accelerate and expand developments and research methods in the field of post processing of 3D printed parts and strengthen the common value chain within the industry.

Flam3D is founded in June 2015 by Leuven University (KU Leuven), Materialise, RS Print, Sirris, T&M Solutions, Tenco DDM, Ghent University (UGent), Vamac and Xeikon Prepress, with the support of Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship.

Since the launch of the activities on October 1, 2015, more than 100 companies and organizations joined their platform. All these organisations represent virtually the entire 3D ecosystem: suppliers, manufacturers, service providers, companies that use additive or hybrid manufacturing, schools and research institutes.